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Sedgley News – Former Club Member honoured with new defibrillator

16 May 2023

Sedgley Ex-Serviceman’s Club unveiled a defibrillator in honour of a former member who sadly died after suffering a cardiac arrest.

The staff and members at the Sedgley Club raised the money for the new defibrillator in Bill Farmer’s honour.

There are more than 30,000 out of hospital cardiac arrests across the UK every year, with less than one in ten people surviving. The more defibrillators that are accessible and the more people trained in how to use them, the better the chance of survival for someone who suddenly collapses from a cardiac arrest. 

Bill Farmer sadly died in 2021, and since then, there have been race nights arranged and other fundraisers to get the money to fund the nearest defibrillator, which has been installed outside the Sedgley club.

Ian Dallaway, from the Sedgley club, said: “We always thought if there had been a defibrillator in the club at the time, then something could have been done for Bill.

“Although the air ambulance and ambulances came, perhaps if we had a defibrillator on site, it could have made a difference.”

Sedgley Club Members dug deep and raised the money needed for the CPR machine and the cabinet in which it is housed.

The defibrillator we supply, which is ideal for people of all ages, is the advanced dual functioning Mindray C1A Defibrillator. Not only does this model carry out daily self-diagnostic tests, meaning maintenance is extremely limited, but more importantly, this model can be applied to both an adult and a child at the flick of a switch, rather than having to waste time changing the defibrillator pads.

Ian added: “But we raised the money needed and brought the machine; we installed it this weekend, and it is outside the club so if members of the public need to use it they can.”

How we can help with defibrillator costs and training

The London Hearts defibrillator charity aims to help and support communities with the provision of heart defibrillators and teaching CPR/defibrillator skills. We can provide Charity Grant Funding towards the cost of a defibrillator and storage, as well as a FREE online training video to help people feel comfortable using a CPR machine when a cardiac arrest occurs.

With survival falling by around 10% every minute without CPR, it’s vital you know the skills to try and save a life. One day, someone you love might need help using the nearest defibrillator.

Start your London Hearts defibrillator project today

We would love for you to share your defibrillator story with us, whether that be an individual experience or part of a defibrillator project. It could help promote the importance of defibrillators and, in-turn, save lives.

London Hearts welcomes applications from any organisation or charity around the UK for help with starting your defibrillator project

Apply for a defibrillator online. Alternatively, get in touch with us by calling our team on 02070432493 or dropping us an email at

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