Grant Information Hotline
21 Jul 2023
After only installing the defibrillator for their Admiral Taverns Pub 3 months prior, a woman was given a second chance at life thanks to an incredible community effort.
The nearest defibrillator was mounted on the outside wall at the Old King’s Arms on adjoining Kirkgate. Thanks to Proper Pubs funding for a defibrillator, which was launched by Admiral Taverns, more than 80 devices were installed at pubs throughout England, Wales and Scotland.
The London Hearts defibrillator charity has teamed up with Admiral Taverns to help supply this life saving equipment in order to spread awareness of cardiac arrest and ensure the well-being of pub visitors and the local community.
On the 15th July, a lady began to feel unwell in Newark. It’s understood she was in the area shopping with her two daughters, who sat her down on a bench outside when her condition quickly deteriorated. She then collapsed and went into a sudden cardiac arrest.
Thankfully, an off-duty nurse and an off-duty firefighter were present and instantly rushed over to the patient to begin using the CPR machine as quickly as possible. Police then arrived, closed off the street and chased towards the nearest defibrillator.
In perfect timing, an ambulance soon arrived, and paramedics brought the woman’s heart back to a normal rhythm.
An air ambulance landed and the patient was treated by the crew and then transferred to Lincoln County Hospital where expert medical care delivered at the scene continued. The London Hearts Team hopes the patient makes a full and speedy recovery.
However, not everyone is always so lucky. There are more than 30,000 out of hospital cardiac arrests across the UK every year, but less than one in ten people survive due to limited access to the nearest defibrillator.
The more defibrillators that are accessible and the more people trained in how to use them, the better the chance of survival for someone who suddenly collapses from a cardiac arrest. This is where our defibrillator charity can help, as London Hearts can provide Charity Grant Funding towards the cost of a defibrillator and storage as well as a FREE online training video.
Mark Brooke, the director of Proper Pubs, made it clear that community spirit was at the heart of his decision to increase defibrillators UK coverage, saying:
“We’ve always been champions of the community pub. As the cost of living continues to rise, it’s been recognised that pubs aren’t just somewhere for people to go for a drink; they’re also vital lifelines for the community, bringing people together to support each other. It’s great to see this being recognised through the fundraising, and even better to be able to provide defibrillators to people up and down the country.”
Mark went on to explain how thankful he was to the pubs and their local community groups for coming out and supporting the funding for defibrillators, further displaying his commitment to understanding why pubs should start containing defibrillators as standard. Fundraising ideas ranged from traditional tombolas and raffles to sponsored head shaves, showing innovation and dedication from all involved.
With survival falling by around 10% every minute without a CPR machine, it’s vital you know the skills to try and save a life. One day, someone you love might need help from your nearest defibrillator.
London Hearts now offers a reward programme for all of their customers. If you save a life using a Mindray Beneheart Defibrillator obtained through the charity, we will send you FREE defibrillator pads!
Get your free defibrillator pads today.
We welcome applications from any individual, organisation or charity around the UK! So make sure to apply for a London Hearts defibrillator today. Also, check out our articles for all the latest on the London Hearts charity and how we have helped support communities.
Get in touch with us today by raising an enquiry via our contact form.