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DS43 Community Defibrillators win a BBC Tees award!

07 Oct 2022

A family group, aiming to place life saving defibrillators across Hartlepool, said it is “proud” to receive a prestigious community award.
DS43 Community Defibrillators has earned the Community Group Award in BBC Radio Tees’ Make a Difference Awards.

The awards recognise people or groups who go above and beyond in the communities in which they live.

DS43 Community Defibrillators, created after the sad death of Danny Shurmer in Hartlepool last year, is teaming up with the North East Ambulance Service to show people how to use and access defibrillators in an emergency.

Volunteer Kelly Cairns:” We didn’t begin this journey for awards our aim was and still is to place everyone in Hartlepool within 500m of a public access defibrillator. This would not be possible without our fantastic group of guardians who look after our defibrillators making sure they are emergency ready as much as possible. To Mark Carter and the team at M.A.C Electrical for installing the units completely free of charge. And to all of YOU, the fantastic community of Hartlepool, your donations, fundraising and support is outstanding and we thank each and every one of you. We also thank the person/people for nominating us and making tonight possible.”

The group has raised over £60,000 to provide almost 30 defibrillators across Hartlepool in just one year.It’s always an absolute pleasure to supply you with such lifesaving equipment for Hartlepool.

Thank you for choosing London Hearts and congratulations!

We welcome applications from any organisation or charity around the UK! Apply online here

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