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Bury Park Masjid Save 27 Year Old with a Defibrillator

07 Feb 2023

After only installing the defibrillator for their local mosque just last December, on Friday 3rd February, Bury Park Masjid in Luton helped a young man defy the odds and overcome a sudden cardiac arrest at their place of worship.

Incredibly, having recently provided a CPR and defibrillator awareness session for their local community the previous Sunday, two individuals present were able to immediately begin CPR and administer the AED on the 27 year old.

After approximately 2 shocks from the defibrillator obtained through the charity, the young man’s heart was bought back to a normal rhythm. Thankfully, he was well enough to walk himself to the ambulance!

Cardiac arrest does not discriminate. It can happen to anyone, any time, and even to extremely healthy individuals. If a heart defibrillator is used and CPR is performed within 3-5 mins of cardiac arrest, their chance of survival increases from 6 to 74%

The Defibrillator we supply which is ideal for people of all ages is the advanced dual functioning Mindray C1A Defibrillator. Not only does this model carry out daily self-diagnostic tests, meaning maintenance is extremely limited but more importantly this model can be applied to both an adult and a child at the flick of a switch rather than having to waste time changing the pads.

Thankfully, this gentleman is now recovering well, and Bury Park are now sharing his story to highlight why it is essential for all religious buildings to install defibrillators onsite.

Local representative of Bury Park Mosque, Syed Hussain said: “ There is no doubt that without the machine the chances of survival would have been slim. This is the first time ever in the history of our mosque this had happened, who knew that after purchasing it we would need it so so soon. We are now currently pushing all our places of worship to install one.”

There are more than 30,000 out of hospital cardiac arrests across the UK every year but less than one in ten people survive. The more defibrillators that are accessible, and the more people trained in how to use them, the better the chance of survival for someone who suddenly collapses from of a cardiac arrest. But sadly, only 15% of the public would feel very confident using a defibrillator.

London Hearts is a charity aiming to help and support communities with the provision of heart defibrillators and teaching CPR/defibrillator skills. London Hearts can provide Charity Grant Funding towards the cost of a defibrillator and storage as well as a FREE online training video.

With survival falling by around 10% every minute without CPR, it’s vital you know the skills to try and save a life. One day someone you love might need help.

We welcome applications from any individual, organisation or charity around the UK! Apply online here

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